Graph Traversal — Breadth First Search Algorithm
Deep dive into Breadth First Search graph traversal algorithm.
Breath First Search (BFS) is a graph traversal algorithm that explores a graph by systematically visiting all the vertices in breadth-first order, starting from a given source vertex. The algorithm explores vertices level by level, visiting all the neighbors of a vertex before moving on to the next level.
BFS guarantees that all vertices are visited in increasing order of their distance from the source vertex. It is particularly useful when we want to find the shortest path between two vertices or when we want to visit all vertices in a connected component.
Here’s the pseudocode for the Breadth First Search (BFS) algorithm:
BFS(graph, startVertex):
// Create a queue for BFS traversal
queue = new Queue()
// Mark the start vertex as visited and enqueue it
mark startVertex as visited
enqueue startVertex into queue
// Loop until the queue becomes empty
while queue is not empty:
// Dequeue a vertex from the front of the queue
currentVertex = dequeue from queue
// Process the current vertex (e.g., print it or perform some operation on it)
// Explore all the unvisited neighbors of the current vertex
for each neighbor in neighbors of currentVertex:
if neighbor is not visited:
// Mark the neighbor as visited and enqueue it
mark neighbor as visited
enqueue neighbor into queue
In the above pseudocode, graph
represents the graph object or data structure containing the vertices and their connections. startVertex
is the vertex from which the BFS traversal begins.
The algorithm starts by marking the startVertex
as visited and enqueuing it into a queue data structure. Then, while the queue is not empty, it dequeues a vertex from the front of the queue, processes it, and explores its unvisited neighbors. For each unvisited neighbor, it marks it as visited and enqueues it into the queue.
This process continues until the queue becomes empty, ensuring that all vertices reachable from the startVertex
are visited.
Breadth First Search Implementation in Java
// BFS implementation
public void bfs(T startVertex) {
Map<T, Boolean> visited = new HashMap<>();
Queue<T> queue = new LinkedList<>();
visited.put(startVertex, true);
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
T vertex = queue.poll();
System.out.print(vertex + " ");
List<T> neighbors = adjacencyList.get(vertex);
if (neighbors != null) {
for (T neighbor : neighbors) {
if (!visited.containsKey(neighbor)) {
visited.put(neighbor, true);